Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day One

Right now, you and Jonah are building a tent in the living room. It is a rainy Wednesday morning. We are preparing to leave for vacation in 4 days. You are very excited to take your first trip to the beach!

You will be starting your third year of Kindergarten. You love school! Last year, every day when I picked you up, you begged to stay.

You are getting ready to start your second full year of ballet. You are really loving it and are so attentive in class. You had your first recital in May. You did so well and were absolutely adorable. Daddy almost cried watching you! We were both very proud of you.

You are one of the sweetest children I know. You always have a smile on your face and light up the room when you are present. You are such a joy to be around. You can have quite a temper at times, but even when you are grumpy, it never lasts long.

You are always more concerned about others than yourself. In fact, just this week, Jonah got in trouble and you asked to not get an "ice cream scoop" (our reward system) so that you and Jonah would have the same amount – even though you deserved one.

Everyday, you tell me several times how much you love me and that I'm the best Mommy in the world. I know that no matter how bad my day is, you will always bring a smile to my face!

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